Friday, January 28, 2011

Review of Schlock-film, "'Shrooms."

Shrooms, the film.

Review by Andre S. Lange


What minor Demon from Hell must have "possessed" me to watch the obviously SHLOCK AND AWE film, entitled "SHROOMS?" COULD IT HAVE BEEN SATAN HIMSELF? oR ONE OF HIS MINIONS OR SUCCUBI? It is most likely it was one of the succubi.....if you want to know the truth. Irrelevent. Back to the review of the movie.

Shrooms," is a direct to dvd type of film, that is, it is quite amateurish and crappy. Basically, a Reefer-Madness of fungal proportions. It should have been titled, "HOW TO NEVER TAKE MUSHROOMS."
Of course the movie shows some dumb kids who take a certain "black-capped 'shroom" (to "trip" or "get high" FAR OUT MAN!) without knowing what Genus nor species....whether the "dude" offering them knows about mushrooms or not.....whether it is just store-bought mushrooms with a drop of acid on it....or whether it is on of the (thankfully) few DEADLY mushrooms. In the whole movie the word "psilocybe" or any variant is ever mentioned, yet, we supposedly (we the viewers) are to conclude that they mean "felonious fungi," such evil-doers as Psilocybe cubensis (of course--it is from Cuba--a Commie plot to take over the minds of our young and make them demand an end to making cannon fodder of them!), P. semilanceata, etc, etc. I suppose! It is not very well written.

De rigeur, the film-makers HAD to attempt to show what is "looks like" to "trip"------the "shifty-morphy" visual scenes are "viewed" through the eyes/mind of the girl who takes the "black-capped 'shroom."......are actually more reminiscent of a cholinergic delirium, not a psilocbic journey.

Yeah, it's the real stuff of "DRUGSPOITATION" films that propose only the horrors and depravity of "drugs." In this case, maligning the little-understood (outside of the entheogen world) 'magic mushroom." The film is a combination of "Blair-Witch type" cheesy running thru the woods with the "weird"-ness of "tripping."

In the early scenes there is a teenaged steroid popper castrated, then further horrifically mutilated, and finally killed. A "deliverance-style" couple of mad brothers a la irlande's. The blonde now sees the future and forsees the sequential death of her hapless duffoid friends. The movie capitalizes on teen-age fears.

Irish everglades with a vampire swim-monster...the creature from the (insert N. Ireland place) lagoon!

World of madness! Aye! Aye! Horror and confusion!
Most offensive to those of us who regard the gentle sacrament of the mushroom is that the films links it to gory violence! Truly the opposite of the truth. One wonders if this was covertly financed (a shoe-string budget) by the CIA, or the DEA, just like they used to do with weed!
My calls to the film-makers were not returned.

Overall, one of the cheesiest films I have ever seen. Like a bad drive-in second picture of a double-feature (for those of you who recall those.)

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